Man is Man when he start growing beard, before this he is child boy ;). If you ever had beard and luckily you grow it and groom it, then you will become the found of it and it will start giving you more Gentleman’s look. So what if you ever have to shave it or you decide to shave it for any reason, which you might face or anyone can face in many situations. Let me Phrase things in my words how i felt when i faced once to do this,
1. Looks Child Boy
So as the Picture is telling you how looks change rapidly from a guy having beard and then very quickly being a teen kid look, so once you are used to then may be you realize that you should not have shave your beard. But its OK, thinking i can grow my beard again.
2. How and When Beard Grow again
For a once it feel like it will not grow again, and start thinking and sometime facing shy to go in friends as they are not used to look me like this. So i start thinking when it will grow again and how much days it take me to look like i had the beard before. For me its taken 2 weeks to grow fully and groom it again. But in 5 days i was had a short beard which makes me comfortable.
3. After Growing Again beard
So after 2 weeks it was again like as before but now i was mixed in feelings, as it was my first chance i did and now i think i can look cool as well with beard and without beard but anyway i have not shaved yet 😉